New Classes for Term 4, 2014!

Why not join our new Monday morning Zen Do Kai class or our Monday and Friday evening Yoga classes!
Why not join our new Monday morning Freestyle Karate class or our Monday and Friday evening Yoga classes!

Try our our new Monday morning Freestyle Karate class, this is a great practical self-defence class open to men and women!

You can pay for this class by term or even add it to your direct debits!

No join up fees or other costs involved with this class!!

Don’t worry if the term has already started, you can still join in!!  For new and existing members!
Note: the new starting time for this class is 10am.

Alternatively why not give Yoga a try? Always wanted to? Now’s your chance!

Only $12 cash per class and you can come to as many or as little as you’d like!

Why not bring your friend too or even your partner?!

We hope to see you there!