Dates to Remember (Dec 2020-Jan 2021)

Grading Dates:
Muay Thai and FMA (Brown and above) 8.30 am, Sunday 6th December Honbu Grading @ Craigie Leisure Centre.
Adults FMA – (Yellow to Green), 7.30 pm, Thursday 10th December @ Kalamunda Kickboxing.
Kids Karate – (Yellow to Green), 12.30 pm, Saturday 12th December @ Kalamunda Kickboxing.
Last Day of Term – Saturday 19th of December 2020
We hope you enjoy your time with family and friends over the holiday period and we look forward to seeing you in the New Year.
Kids Water Fight – Saturday 19th of December 2020
Our annual water fight will commence at 1:00pm, Stirk Park. You are welcome to bring a picnic lunch, which will be followed by awards and then the water fight. Start planning your ammo now as the instructors are ready for your attack!
New Year Opening Dates
All adult classes commence on 4th of January 2021.
Term 1 for our kids begins on February 1st, 2021.
Public Holidays
We are CLOSED on Australia Day, Tuesday January 26th, 2021
We are OPEN for pre and post chocolate workouts – Easter Friday and Easter Monday.