Junior Kickboxing

Our junior kickboxing caters to children from the ages of 8 to 12 and teaches traditional Muay Thai (Kickboxing) principles and techniques in a controlled and safe environment. The classes promote self-confidence, discipline, respect and focus, whilst also assisting children in developing their physical fitness and motor skills and providing them with a highly effective self-defence system.

A typical junior kickboxing class consists of a warm-up or run (depending on the weather), followed by skipping, stretching and shadow sparring. Students then move into some pad work, where students pair up with one holding protective pads while the other practices punching, kicking, knee and elbow techniques (after a number of two or three-minute rounds the students then alternate). After pad work, depending on the class and students, students may then move into partner drills (mock sparring) giving them the opportunity to practice their techniques in a more realistic environment.

Many parents are surprised at the marked improvement in their child’s behaviour, focus and discipline both at home and at school after they commence training with us – and most importantly, your kids will absolutely love it! For more information about our Junior Kickboxing, or to view a class in progress, please feel free to contact us.